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In PowerApps, you can make your app more user-friendly by making it available in several languages.

There are many ways to create a multilingual PowerApps app such as :

  1. Microsoft Translator Connector,
  2. Using resource files, 
  3. Using components, etc.

1) Create multilingual PowerApps APP Microsoft Translator Connector?

  • You can use Microsoft Translator Connector to create a multilingual app that is used to display translated text on your app.
  • You can use the following syntax to translate a text to a specific language, MicrosoftTranslator.Translate(Source.Text, TargetLang.Selected.Value
MicrosoftTranslator.Translate(Source.Text, TargetLang.Selected.Value)

In this video, you will know the best ways to create multilingual PowerApps and learn how to create a multilingual app with PowerApps using Microsoft Translator Connector step by step.

2) Create multilingual PowerApps APP using a Resource File

  • In this method, you will create a resource file (it may be an Excel file, SharePoint list Data verse, or any other that you can use in Power Apps.
  • The resource file will contain these three columns for all strings in your app
    1. Languages,
    2. Key  which is the control Id,
    3. The value is the text of the control.

Building multilingual apps in PowerApps

Learn more How you can create multilingual Power app using resource file “Localization”

3) Building multilingual apps in PowerApps using Component.

  • This method will help you learn how to create a multi-language app with localized experience using Canvas app Component.

localization in powerapps and Component library


For more details about Multilingual Apps in PowerApps using Component, please check Building multilingual apps in PowerApps using component.

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