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In this post, we are gonna learn about Operators in C#.

C#4BeginnersOperators in C#

  • The operator is a special symbol that specifies which operations you will perform on the values of various data types.
  • C# provides many operators type: Arithmetic, comparison, logical and more.
  • C# has usually had one or two operands.
  • The operator has different meanings depending on the data type, ex the + operator with numbers mean add but with strings mean concatenation.

Operators Type

We will list the different operator's types that used mostly in c#,

Arithmetic operators

There is one of the built-in operators used in C#  with numbers to perform mathematical operations.

+ Operator (Addition)

Used to carry out the addition operation " add value to another value".


int x = 5;
int y = 6;
int z = x + y;
Console.WriteLine(z);// the output will be 11

- Operator (Subtraction)

Used to subtract a value from another value.


int x = 5;
int y = 6;
int z = y-x;
Console.WriteLine(z);// the output will be 1

* Operator (Multiplication)

Used to multiply two values.


int x = 5;
int y = 6;
int z = y*x;
Console.WriteLine(z);// the output will be 30

/ Operator (Division)

Used to divide two values.


int x = 30;
int y = 6;
int z = x/y;
Console.WriteLine(z);// the output will be 5

% Operator (Module)

Return the division remainder.


int x = 5;
int y = 2;
int z = x%y;
Console.WriteLine(z);// the output will be 1

Assignment operators

Below, we're gonna list some of the most used assignment operations:

"= " The assignment operator 

Assigns the value of its right-hand operand to a variable.


int x=2;
Console.WriteLine(x);// the output will be 2

+= The addition assignment operator

Add a value to a variable in the same line.


int x=2;
x+=1;// means x=x+1
Console.WriteLine(x);// the output will be 3

- = The subtraction assignment operator 

Subtract a value to a variable in the same line.


int x=2;
x-=1;// means x=x-1
Console.WriteLine(x);// the output will be 1

*= Operator

Multiply a value to a variable in the same line.


int x=2;
x*=2; // means x=x*2
Console.WriteLine(x);// the output will be 4

/= Operator

Divide a value to a variable in the same line.


int x=2;
x/=2; // means x=x/2
Console.WriteLine(x);// the output will be 1

%= Operator


int x=5;
x%=3; // means x=x%3
Console.WriteLine(x);// the output will be 2

Logical Operators

Logical operations used to perform logical operations such as and operation "&", or operation "|" and the "!" negation operation.

"&" and Operator:

  • It gives true only if the two operands is true.
  • If one of the operands is false, the AND operator will evaluate it to false


int x=5;
Console.WriteLine(x>2 && x<6);// the output will be true

"|" or Operator:

  • It gives true if one of the two operands at least is true.
  • If the two operands are false, the OR operator will evaluate it to false.


int x=5;
Console.WriteLine(x>2 || x<4);// the output will be true one condition is true x>2

"!" negation  Operator "not":

  • it reverses the result, it gives true if the result is false and false if the result is true.


int x=5;
Console.WriteLine(!(x>2 || x<4));// the output will be false 

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators used to compare two values.

"==" Equal to: 


int x=5;
int y=6;
Console.WriteLine(x == y);// the output will be false

"!=" Not Equal to: 


int x=5;
int y=6;
Console.WriteLine(x != y);// the output will be true

">" Greater than and "<" less than


int x=5;
int y=6;
Console.WriteLine(x > y);// the output will be false
Console.WriteLine(x<y);// the output will be true

">=" Greater than or Equal  and "<=" Less than or Equal


int x=5;
int y=5;
Console.WriteLine(x >= y);// the output will be true
Console.WriteLine(x <= y);// the output will be true

"+" Unary Plus 

Leaves the sign of the operand as it without no change


int number=10;
Console.WriteLine(+number) //the output will be 10

"-" Unary minus

Leaves the sign of the operand as it without no change


int number=10;
Console.WriteLine(-number) //the output will be -10

"++" Increment operator

Increment the value of the operand with one


int number=10;
Console.WriteLine(++number) //the output will be 11

"--" Decrement operator

Decrement the value of the operand with one.


int number=10;
Console.WriteLine(--number) //the output will be 9

Operator precedence

Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before those with lower precedence.


In this example the precedence of * is higher than the precedence of + then it will perform first the * operator then the + operator.

var a = 2 + 2 * 2;
Console.WriteLine(a);//the output will be 6 


In this post, we have explored the different operators in C#.

See Also

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