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User golivefmiy

Member for: 2 years (since Aug 9, 2022)
Type: Registered user
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Website: http://kevevans.com/

Hi. I'm Kevin.
I’m currently the Head of Marketing for Marc Nolan Shoes leading creative direction, product design, and strategy.

Previously, I spent 5 years as Head of Marketing for self-development brand Intelligent Change (makers of The Five Minute Journal). As a result of working with them, they grew from low 6 figures to a profitable 7-figure business and led to partnerships with Tim Ferriss, Starbucks, Humana, and Goop.

In a former life, I was an online rare books dealer to professors, directors, actors, and bibliophiles.

If you’d like to get in touch, shoot me an email: kwevans11@gmail.com

The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner

A search for happiness around the globe. Few books have made me question my entire outlook on life like this one. Being an American, you may find after reading this book, your definition of “happiness” no longer suits you.

The Big Idea: The two common factors across all cultures for happiness was strong relationships and gratitude. Aside from this, happiness factors depended highly on the context of the culture.


This axiom of the self-help industrial complex is so deeply ingrained as to be self-evident. There’s only one problem. It’s not true. Happiness is not inside of us but out there. Or, to be more precise, the line between out there and in here is not as sharply defined as we think.

Where we are is vital to who we are, not only in physical environment, but culture as well.

“The search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.” [Eric Hoffer]

The whole point of the European Café: to linger excessively and utterly without guilt.

Instead of judging society by its system, why not judge it by its results? Were its citizens happy?

Newscasters known instinctively what the best way to get to people’s ears to perk up with these five words: “A new study has found.”

“Happiness is a virtuous activity of the soul or “A virtuous life, is a happy life.”

Healthy people are happier than unhealthy ones; or is it that happy people tend to be healthier? Married people are happy; or maybe happy people are more likely to get married? It’s tough to say. Reverse causality is the hobgoblin that makes mischief in many a research project.

All cultures value happiness, but not to the same degree. East Asian countries tend to emphasize harmony and fulfilling societal obligations rather than individual contentment; perhaps not coincidentally, these countries also report lower levels of happiness, what’s been called the East Asian Happiness Gap.

Here is what a Polish citizen living in the United States told a writer about Americans: “When Americans say it was great, I know it was good. When they say it was good, I know it was okay. When they say it was okay, I know it was bad.

Income distribution does not predict happiness. Countries with wide gaps between rich and poor are no less happy than countries where the wealth is distributed more equally. Sometimes, they are happier. –Veenhoven

“Inequality is a big business here in the sociology department. Entire careers have been built on it.”


To speak out would be considered insulting, since it assumes ignorance on the part of the other person.

She [a Swiss woman] finds aspects of life here endearing—the civil-mindedness, for instance. They way you’ll be writing the bus, and there will be this teenage boy with a Mohawk and combat boots, looking like trouble, who will politely offer his seat to an older woman. “In New York, nobody would move.”

Switzerland –cleanliness a source of happiness

There are no potholes on Swiss roads. Everything works. Switzerland is a highly functional society, and while that may not be a source of joy or even happiness, it eliminates a lot of the reasons to be unhappy.

Our attitude is don’t shine the spotlight too brightly on yourself or you might get shot.

Swiss hate talking about money.

In America the worst thing you can be is a loser. In Switzerland the worst thing you can be is a flashy winner.

A Swiss would never describe something as awesome or super, but only not bad.

The Swiss are a humorless, uptight nation. Everything works, usually, and envy is squelched, but at a cost: You’re always being watched, monitored, judged. Where’s the bliss? “It’s simple,” says Dieter. “Nature. We Swiss have a very deep connection to nature.”

Biophilia hypothesis: the more connected to nature, the happier we are

-Each year, more people visit zoos than attend all sporting events combined.

Every country has a cocktail party question: In the United States: “What do you do?” In Britain it is, “What school did you attend?” In Switzerland it is, “Where are you from?” That is all you need to know about someone.

You can’t feel properly engaged if you don’t trust the people you engage with on a regular basis. Engagement breeds trust; trust supports engagement. It’s a two-way flow; both parts are critical.

Of all the factors that affect crime rate for a given area, the one that made the biggest difference was not the number of police patrols or anything like that, but, rather, how many people you know within a fifteen-minute walk of your house.

A generation that cannot endure boredom will be a generation of little men, of men unduly divorced from the slow process of nature, of men in whom every vital impulse slowly withers as though they were cut flowers in a vase. [Bertrand Russell]

Maybe happiness is this: not feeling like you should be elsewhere, doing something else, being someone else. Maybe the current conditions in Switzerland…make it easier to ‘be’ and therefore ‘be happy.’

Choice translates into happiness only when choice is about something that matters. Voting maters. Ice cream matters, too, but fifty flavors of it do not.

Change the system one boring procedure at a time. It required patience and a high tolerance for boredom. The Swiss process both in spades.


Bhutan is the only country in the world with a dress code for men.

Perhaps love and attention are really the same thing. One can’t exist without the other.

Attention is the universal currency of well being or in other words, attentive people are happy people.

When the last tree is cut, when the last river is emptied, when the last fish is caught, only then will Man realize that he can not eat money.

Bhutan’s low crime rate—murder is almost unheard of—contributes to the overall happiness here.

The government provides free health care and education to all of its citizens. There are more monks than soldiers. The army produces most of Bhutan’s liquor.

The way Karma Ura sees it, a government is like a pilot guiding an airplane. In bad weather, it must rely on its instruments to navigate. But what if the instruments are faulty? The plane will certainly veer off course, even though the pilot is manipulating the controls properly.

–That, he says, is the state of the world today, with its dependence on gross national product as the only real measure of a nation’s progress. “Take education, we are hooked on measuring enrollment, but we don’t look at the content. Or consider a nation like Japan. People live a long time, but what is the quality of life past age sixty?”

–We measure what is easiest to measure, not what really matters to most people’s lives.

–I have achieved happiness because I don’t have unrealistic expectations.

–I have no such mountains to scale; basically, I find that living itself is a struggle, and if I’m satisfied, if I have done just that, lived well, in the evening I sigh and say, ‘It was okay.’

–Even if you have achieved great things, it is sort of theater playing in your mind. You think it so important, but actually you have not made such a difference to anyone’s life.

–Our greatest achievements and our greatest failures are equally insignificant. We like to think we really made a difference. Okay, in this week’s scale it may have been interesting. Take another forty years, I’m not so sure. Take three gen

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