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I am new to PowerApps and I need to know What are the main differences between the Trail environment and the Trial (subscription-based) environment in Power Apps?

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What's the Standard Trial Environment in PowerApps?

  • This type of trial environment in PowerApps is used by the company to allow consumers to check out new features and quickly build Power Apps applications.
  • Any user with an appropriate license from that organization can set up a 30-day trial environment.
  • The creation of the trial environment can be restricted to admins only.

What's the Trial (subscription-based) Environment in PowerApps?

  • This type of trial environment can be used by businesses to develop larger, multi-user, and multi-department solutions.
  • Tenant administrators have the option of creating a trial (subscription-based) environment for their tenants.

For more information about Power Apps environments check this blog post Power Apps environment

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