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Python is the fastest-growing major programming language today,

  • Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using PythonIt is an object-oriented, high-level programming language.
  • It created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum.
  • It is a human-readable language and flexible.

So that, today, I'm gonna introduce this awesome course that would help you to get started with Computer Science and programming using Python.

Computer Science and Programming Using Python

This course series consists of 79 videos as the following:

  1. Python Basics | Introduction.
  2. Python Basics | Knowledge.
  3. Python Basics | Machines
  4. Python Basics | Languages
  5. Python Basics | Types
  6. Python Basics | Variables
  7. Python Basics | Operators/Branching
  8. Python Basics | Strings
  9. Python Basics | Input/Output
  10. Python Basics | IDEs
  11. Python Basics | Control Flow
  12. Python Basics | Iteration
  13. Python Basics | Guess and Check
  14. Simple Programs | So Far
  15. Approximate Solutions
  16. Simple Programs | Bisection Search
  17. Simple Programs | Floats and Fractions
  18. Simple Programs | Newton-Raphson
  19. Simple Programs | Decomposition and Abstraction
  20. Simple Programs | Introducing Functions
  21. Simple Programs | Calling Functions and Scope
  22. Simple Programs | Keyword Arguments
  23. Simple Programs | Specification
  24. Simple Programs | Iteration vs Recursion
  25. Simple Programs | Inductive Reasoning
  26. Simple Programs | Towers of Hanoi
  27. Simple Programs | Fibonacci
  28. Recursion on Non-Numerics
  29. Simple Programs | Files
  30. Structured Types | Tuples
  31. Structured Types | Lists
  32. Structured Types | List Operations
  33. Mutation, Aliasing, and Cloning
  34. Functions as Objects
  35. Structured Types | Quick Review
  36. Structured Types | Dictionaries
  37. Structured Types | Example with a Dictionary
  38. Structured Types | Fibonacci and Dictionaries
  39. Structured Types | Global Variables
  40. Good Programming Practices | Programming Challenges
  41. Good Programming Practices | Classes of Tests
  42. Good Programming Practices | Bugs
  43. Good Programming Practices | Debugging
  44. Good Programming Practices | Debugging Example
  45. Good Programming Practices | Exceptions
  46. Good Programming Practices | Exceptions Examples
  47. Good Programming Practices | Exceptions as Control Flow
  48. Good Programming Practices | Assertions
  49. Object Oriented Programming | Object Oriented Programming
  50. Object Oriented Programming | Class Instances
  51. Object Oriented Programming | Methods
  52. Object Oriented Programming | Classes Examples
  53. Object Oriented Programming | Why OOP
  54. Object Oriented Programming | Hierarchies
  55. Object Oriented Programming | Class Variables
  56. Object Oriented Programming | Building a Class
  57. Object Oriented Programming | Visualizing the Hierarchy
  58. Object Oriented Programming | Adding Another Class
  59. Object Oriented Programming | Using Inherited Methods
  60. Object Oriented Programming | Generators
  61. Algorithmic Complexity | Program Efficiency
  62. Algorithmic Complexity | Big Oh Notation
  63. Algorithmic Complexity | Complexity Classes
  64. Algorithmic Complexity | Analyzing Complexity
  65. Algorithmic Complexity | More Analyzing Complexity
  66. Algorithmic Complexity | Recursion Complexity
  67. Algorithmic Complexity | Search Algorithms
  68. Algorithmic Complexity | Bisection Search
  69. Algorithmic Complexity | Bogo Sort
  70. Algorithmic Complexity | Bubble Sort
  71. Algorithmic Complexity | Selection Sort
  72. Algorithmic Complexity | Merge Sort
  73. Plotting | Pylab
  74. Plotting | Plots
  75. Plotting | Labels
  76. Plotting | Comparing Plots
  77. Plotting | Display Details
  78. Plotting | An Example
  79. Course Summary

To explore the course playlist, you can click on the Playlist button on the top right corner in the video window!

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